
Hey, are you looking for this book? Senhor dos Aneis: As Duas Torres (Em Portugues do Brasil)   (Portuguese Brazilian)   Paperback   – January 1, 2002 As Duas Torres e a segunda parte da grande obra de ficcao fantastica de J. R. R. Tolkien, O Senhor dos Aneis. E impossivel transmitir ao novo leitor todas as qualidades e o alcance do livro. Alternadamente comica, singela, epica, monstruosa, diabolica, a narrativa desenvolve-se em meio a inumeras mudancas de cenarios e de personagens, num mundo imaginario absolutamente convincente em seus detalhes. A comitiva do anel se divide. Frodo e Sam continuam a viagem, descendo sozinhos o Grande Rio Anduin - Mas nao tao sozinhos assim, pois uma figura misteriosa segue todos os seus passos...
Hey, are you looking for this book? O Hobbit (Portuguese Edition)   (Portuguese)   Paperback   – February 1, 2001 Os hobbits sao seres muito pequenos, menores do que os anoes. Sao de boa paz, sua unica ambicao e uma boa terra lavrada e so gostam de lidar com ferramentas manuais. Este livro tem como personagem central o hobbit Bilbo Bolseiro. Ele vive muito tranquilo ate que o mago Gandalf e uma companhia de anoes o levam numa expedicao para resgatar um tesouro guardado por Smaug, um dragao enorme e perigoso.
Hey, are you looking book "The Fellowship of the Ring"? "This paperback edition, and no other, has been published with my consent and co-operation. Those who approve of courtesy (at least) to living authors will purchase it, and no other." -- J.R.R. Tolkien
Daddy Duke   Kindle Edition She’s off-limits. Inappropriate. A tease, a brat, a scandal waiting to happen, and a royal pain in my @ss. Oh, and she’s one more thing too:  all mine. …She just doesn’t know it yet. I have a problem. A five-foot-five, brown-haired, green-eyed little  tease  of a problem. A problem that’s lived under my roof ever since I took her in as if she were my own years ago. Lola.  Princess  Lola, that is. Lola with the fiery sass, the softest lips, the sweetest skin, and the most temping curves these rough hands have ever wanted to grab ahold of. I’m her guardian – the man who took care of her and raised her up. But my eyes have started lingering longer than they should. My thoughts have turned darker, and there’s no turning back. See, I want the little Princess to be  my  little Princess. I want her laid out dressed in nothing but jewels and a smile – a present waiting for me to unwrap and claim. The world will say this is so f**king wrong. They’ll say
Powerless   Kindle Edition Nothing Can Prepare You. . . It strikes without warning. A massive geomagnetic solar storm that destroys every power grid in the northern hemisphere. North America is without lights, electricity, phones, and navigation systems. In one week, the human race is flung back to the Dark Ages.  Nothing Can Save You. . . In Boulder, Colorado, weather technicians watch in horror as civilization collapses around them. Planes are falling out of the skies. Cars are dead. Pandemonium and terror grip the Northern Hemisphere. As nuclear reactors across North America face inevitable meltdowns, the U.S. President remains powerless in a heavily guarded White House. From London to Boston to Anchorage, there is no food, no water, no hope. It's every man for himself. . .and it will only get worse.  Survival Is Everything.  Only one man--army veteran Zeke Marshall--is prepared to handle a nightmare like this. But when he tries to reunite with his family in Dallas--a
The Perfect Game: A Novel (The Game Series Book 1)   Kindle Edition A USA TODAY BEST SELLING NOVEL & SERIES! He's a game she never intended to play.  And she's the game changer he never knew he needed. The Perfect Game  tells the story of college juniors, Cassie Andrews and Jack Carter. When Cassie meets rising baseball hopeful Jack, she is determined to steer clear of him and his typical cocky attitude. But Jack has other things on his getting Cassie to give him the time of day.  They are damaged, filled with mistrust and guarded before they find one another (and themselves) in this emotional journey about love and forgiveness. Strap yourselves for a ride that will not only break your heart, but put it back together.  Sometimes life gets ugly before it gets beautiful...  OTHER BOOKS IN THIS SERIES: The Perfect Game: Book One The Game Changer: Book Two The Sweetest Game: Book Three  The Other Game: Book Four OTHER BOOKS BY J. STERLING:   Guy Hater
Red Lily (In The Garden Book 3)   Kindle Edition Three women learn that the heart of their historic home holds a mystery of years gone by, as #1  New York Times  bestselling author Nora Roberts brings her In the Garden trilogy to a captivating conclusion. A Harper has always lived at Harper House, the centuries-old mansion just outside of Memphis. And for as long as anyone alive remembers, the ghostly Harper Bride has walked the halls, singing lullabies at night… Hayley Phillips came to Memphis hoping for a new start, for herself and her unborn child. She wasn’t looking for a handout from her distant cousin Roz, just a job at her thriving In the Garden nursery. What she found was a home surrounded by beauty and the best friends she’s ever had—including Roz’s son Harper. To Hayley’s chagrin, she has begun to dream about Harper—as much more than a friend… If Hayley gives in to her desire, she’s afraid the foundation she’s built with Harper will come tumbling down. And that wou